*Please note: This blog constitutes my opinion, which is based on my professional schooling, personal research, and clinical experience.
Is your body ready for Fall Sports this year?
Autumn is almost here and with the change of season many of us will be returning to our favourite activities, programs, and sports. Having your body prepared for the demands of your activity is essential to avoid injury and get the most out of being physically active!
TRE®: Tension, Stress, and Trauma Releasing exercises
Learn more about TRE and how it can benefit stress, tension, and trauma management!
A Review of the Autonomic Nervous System and Why It’s Important
Review of the function of the Autonomic Nervous system and how its dysfunction affects the body.
Grounding and Mindfulness
Grounding and mindfulness are helpful strategies for managing stress, various pains, fatigue, sleep quality, and general physical functioning.
IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) and Trigger Points
IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) and Trigger Points